2022 Graduate Conference in Political Theory

April 15, 2022 - April 16, 2022

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Loyola University, Chicago


The New School
Northeastern University
Loyola University, Chicago

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Hosted by Loyola University Chicago, Department of Philosophy, and the New School for Social Research, Departments of Philosophy and Politics

Organizing Committee
Alec Stubbs (Loyola), Daphne Pons (Loyola), Italo Alves (Loyola), Allan Hillani (NSSR), Helia Faezipour (NSSR), and Susana Garibay (NSSR)

The conference will take place on Friday, April 15, and Saturday, April 16, over Zoom. Registration for the two days of the conference can be made at https://luc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlf-mvpjspHNbwnXLfFB0yhzweX748wG6G.

Speakers will have 20–25 minutes to give their talks. After that, a discussant will present their comments and questions and open the floor for a general discussion. On Friday, April 15 at 4:15PM (CDT)/ 5:15PM (EDT), Dr. Johanna Oksala will present a keynote lecture.

Friday, April 15

10:15–10:30am CDT / 11:15–11:30am EDT: Opening remarks

Panel 1 (10:30–11:30am CDT / 11:30am–12:30pm EDT)
Cansu Hepcaglayan (Boston University): Reasons for Political Friendship
Discussant: Andrew Krema (Loyola University Chicago)

Panel 2 (11:30am–12:30pm CDT / 12:30–1:30pm EDT)
Carlos Augusto de Oliveira Carvalhar (Federal University of Bahia): Plato’s political philosophy and his conception of power
Discussant: Clover Reshad (NSSR Politics)

12:30–2:00pm CDT / 1:30–3:00pm EDT: Lunch break

Panel 3 (2:00–3:00pm CDT / 3:00–4:00pm EDT)
Sterling Hall (Villanova University): Reluctantly Dependent on Social Reproduction: SRT, the State, and Welfare
Discussant: Anastasiia Kalk (New School for Social Research)

Panel 4 (3:00–4:00pm CDT / 4:00–5:00pm EDT)
Jonathan Hollingsworth (Michigan State University): Critical Theory, Automation, and the Crisis of Value: Marx’s “Fragment on Machines” Reconsidered
Discussant: Aaron Berman (New School for Social Research)

Keynote Address (4:15–5:40pm CDT / 5:15–6:40pm EDT)
Dr. Johanna Oksala (Arthur J. Schmitt Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago): Beyond Neoliberal Realism: Foucault’s Late Politics

Saturday, April 16

Panel 5 (10:30–11:30am CDT / 11:30am–12:30pm EDT)
Marie Loslier-Simon (New School for Social Research): Subjects, bodies, domination: towards a theory of exhaustion
Discussant: Italo Alves (Loyola University Chicago)

Panel 6 (11:30am–12:30pm CDT / 12:30–1:30pm EDT)
Thor João de Sousa Veras (Federal University of Santa Catarina/Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Quilombism as political progress: contributions from Brazilian critical race theory
Discussant: Susana Garibay (New School for Social Research)

12:30–2:00pm CDT / 1:30–3:00pm EDT: Lunch break

Panel 7 (2:00–3:00pm CDT / 3:00–4:00pm EDT)
Sarah Rachel Moncada-Oseguera (Université de Montréal): Walter Benjamin's Theory of Fascism: The Political Contribution of Aesthetic Theses
Discussant: Duncan Stuart (NSSR Philosophy)

Panel 8 (3:00–4:00pm CDT / 4:00–5:00pm EDT)
Riad Alarian (The University of Toledo): Nostalgia as Political Critique, Nostalgia as Worldbuilding
Discussant: Begoña Gerling (New School for Social Research)

Panel 9 (4:00–5:00pm CDT / 5:00–6:00pm EDT)
Emerson Bodde (Vanderbilt University): Disputing the Collapse: Apocalypse Philosophy, Theoretical Journalism, and Tosaka Jun
Discussant: Rene Ramirez (Loyola University Chicago)

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April 16, 2022, 11:45pm CST

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