Longue Durée Intentionality
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Workshop of the DFG Emmy Noether Project ‘A Sensible World’
Longue Durée Intentionality
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 25 April 2022
The aim of this workshop is to enrich our narrative of how the notion of intentionality appeared and evolved in the history of philosophy. In order to do so, it will bring together scholars specializing in each of the main periods in the history of (Western) philosophy, and invite them to explore the topic of intentionality in their areas of specialization, either by reinterpreting already well-known historical episodes, or by bringing new ones to the fore. Such broad diachronic (longue durée) work on intentionality promises to be mutually enriching for the participants, as studies in one period are likely to shed new light on aspects that have gone unnoticed or neglected in the scholarship in another period, and perhaps even improve our understanding of already well-known discussions.
Intentionality in Ancient Philosophy
9:30-10:45 Colin G. King (Providence College/University of Basel) (TBC)
Aristotle and Brentano on the Science of the Soul
Intentionality in Medieval Philosophy
11:00-12:15 Elena Băltuţă (Tel-Hai College/University of Haifa)
Naturalization: A More Appropriate Strategy to Address Medieval Accounts of Intentionality
Intentionality in Early Modern Philosophy
14:15-15:30 Stephan Schmid (University of Hamburg)
Intentionality in Berkeley
Intentionality in Late Modern Philosophy
15:45-17:00 Elise Frketich (Human Abilities Center, Berlin)
Kant on Animal and Human Capacities
Intentionality in 20th Century Philosophy
17:15-18:30 Trevor Griffith (Tulane University/FU Berlin)
The Intentional Structure of Pain; Insights from Brentano and Husserl
Venue: Room 2249a, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Attendance: Attendance possible in person or on Zoom; registration mandatory, please write to [email protected]
Organiser: Hamid Taieb ([email protected])
For more information: www.a-sensible-world.net
April 19, 2022, 9:00am CET
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