New Generation Research Exchange 2022
Krakowskie Przedmieście 3
Warsaw 00-927
- Ian Ramsey Centre, University of Oxford
- Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb
- John Templeton Foundation
- Humane Philosophy Project
Topic areas
- History of Western Philosophy
- Epistemology
- Metaphilosophy
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy of Action
- Philosophy of Language
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of Religion
- Philosophical Traditions
- General Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Biology
- Philosophy of Cognitive Science
- Philosophy of Physical Science
- Philosophy of Probability
- Philosophy of Social Science
The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, University of Oxford, and the Faculty of Philosophy, Universities of Warsaw, in collaboration the Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb University invite applications for the New Generation Scholars Exchange programme. The Exchange programme will give young scholars in Central and Eastern Europe working on Big Questions at the intersection of science theology and philosophy the opportunity to participate in three fully funded workshops taking place at the Universities of Warsaw, Zagreb and Oxford. Participants will have the further opportunity to apply to continue the research they undertake as part of the New Generation Research Exchange during a term of funded supervised research at Oxford University. Participants’ research projects will be assessed by an external committee after the final workshop takes place to determine possible supervisors for research visits to Oxford.
Applicants will normally be MA students in their penultimate year, or first year PhD students at Central or Eastern European research institutions, including universities, research academies and seminaries. The programme is intended to support research projects of successful candidates during the final year of their MA course, or developing their MA research topics for publication, or with PhD application in mind, as well as those beginning to work on a PhD. Proposed projects must fall under the project themes, which are outlined below. It is expected that most applications will be natural scientists, theologians and philosophers, but there are no disciplinary restrictions and applicants with academic backgrounds in other areas are also welcome. Applications are welcome from researchers working in any religious tradition, and from researchers working in no religious tradition.
For the purposes of the project, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is defined as: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, the former East Germany, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
he programme will support research which engages with Big Questions at the intersection of science theology and philosophy. Applicants will be expected to engage with recent developments in their disciplines, and demonstrate a high standard of academic rigor. The Project encourages applications that fall within three broad themes: science and religion in the CEE context; reason and faith; and persons, mind and cosmos. For examples of suitable topics see the attached CFA.
Successful candidates will participate in a series of three masterclasses during the course of the programme. The meetings will take place over three days at the Universities of Zagreb, Warsaw, and Oxford. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their work as a group and with IRC-appointed tutors, as well as participate in seminars led by prominent visiting speakers. The Fellowship will cover all the costs of participating in each masterclass including travel and accommodation. The total value of the Fellowship is 2000 USD.
Participants will have a further opportunity to receive funding for completing their research during a term at Oxford University, where they will be able to work closely with a secondary supervisor to advance their research. The funding for research visits at Oxford University will cover accommodation, living costs, college fees, and supervision to the total value of 5000 USD.
Applications for project grants must be submitted no later than 29 July 2022 for the second cycle of the programme starting October 2022. Applications must include the following documents.
▪A proposal describing the research the candidate is doing for their MA, how far the research is advanced, and an outline of the work the candidate expects to complete during the course of their final year.
▪A full curriculum vitae, and a statement saying how the candidate expects to benefit from participating in the programme
▪Two academic references including a reference from the candidate’s supervisor
▪A confirmation from the candidate’s institution stating that they are allowed to participate in the programme during the final year of their degree course.
All application materials should be submitted via email to [email protected] stating in the subject line: “New Generation Exchange application”. The results of the competition will be announced by September 2022.
For further details see the attached CFA or
July 29, 2022, 11:00pm CET
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