New Work on Participatory Sense-Making
"Mircea Florian" hall
Splaiul Independenței nr. 204
Bucharest 060024
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The "New Work in Participatory Sense-Making" graduate conference aims to bring together students and researchers in order advance our understanding of how we come to produce meaning in joint communication.
Description: Meaning is created in social interaction: the participatory perspective on sense-making acknowledges the processes that actively involve the participation and engagement of individual cognizers in collective decision-making, problem-solving and creative activities. The inter-enactive approach explores social behavior as it unfolds not only based on individual cognitive abilities and goals, but also on the conditions and constraints imposed by the dynamics of the interaction process. It also offers a framework for understanding the role of active participation in cognitive processes that affect individual understanding.
The conference will take place June 23rd, 2023. It will have a hybrid format, in that speakers may choose whether they present online only or face to face at the event's location (if so, their session will enjoy a live audience, but it will also be streamed to remote participants).
The conference programme below includes times for Bucharest, Romania:
11.00 conference opening
11.10 Enara García (University of the Basque Country), “Participatory sense-making in psychotherapy” (Zoom)
12.20 keynote address: Ion Copoeru (Babeș-Bolyai University), “Participatory sense-making as a form of engagement”
Lunch break
17.50 Sandra Brânzaru (University of Bucharest & Babeș-Bolyai University), “Participatory Sense-Making: VR and Fiction”
19.00 Juan Ignacio Murillo Vargas (UW-Milwaukee/Massachusetts Institute of Technology), “What the QUD Models” (Zoom)
20.10 roundtable; end of event
The conference is organized with the support of graduate students in the “Mind the Brain” master’s programme in cognitive science within the Department for Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bucharest. More details about the programme are available here:
The conference is at its third edition, following the “Consciousness and Reality” graduate conference organized in June 2022, which enjoyed keynote talks from Mircea Dumitru (U. Bucharest), Gualtiero Picinnini (U. Missouri) and Hong Yu Wong (U. Tȕbingen), as well as the "New Work in the Theory of Mind" graduate conference organized in February 2023 having Shaun Gallagher (U. Memphis) and Daniel Hutto (U. Wollongong) as keynotes. More details about those conference are available at and, respectively.
For those of you who would like to join some of the meetings but have overlapping commitments, we will do our best to record the meetings whenever everyone in attendance consents to it, and to then upload the recordings on the Department's YouTube channel. Previous talks are available here:
Stay tuned, as there will be weekly announcements concerning the titles and abstracts of upcoming talks on the Facebook page titled "Seminarul Departamentului de Filosofie Teoretica UniBuc". Some of the department's recent events are also listed at for 2022-23 and at for 2021-22.
June 22, 2023, 9:00am EET