Time, Agency, and Our Understanding of ‘Events’
Jennifer Hornsby (Birkbeck College, University of London)

part of: 4th Annual IAPT Conference
June 12, 2017, 5:30am - 6:30am
Department of philosophy, University of Milan

Palazzo Feltrinelli
Via Castello 4
Gargnano 25084

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Wake Forest University
Davide Bordini
University of Milan
Valerio Buonomo
University of Milan
University of Venice
Fabrice Correia
University of Neuchatel
Samuele Iaquinto
University of Milan
David Ingram
University of Milan
Colgate University
Kristie Miller
University of Sydney
University of Geneva
Giuliano Torrengo
University of Milan
Christian Wüthrich
University of California, San Diego
Nick Young
University of Milan

Topic areas


Abstract. Many discussions of time are replete with claims about events; and many philosophers of action take actions to be events. My focus will be on what can be right with, and how much is wrong with, the idea of events which philosophers have introduced into the language of agency. I criticize various accounts in order to promote a view about time different from that of Eternalism, Presentism and Growing Block-ism. I consider two objections to my stratagem. (1) General conclusions about time can’t be drawn from thinking specifically about human action. (2) The idea of the present of which I make use is mismatched to how we, as agents ourselves, understand ‘present’. I’ll attempt to defend my view against these objections.

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