Future Minds
Narodni 3
Prague 11000
Czech Republic
- Karel Čapek Center for Values in Science and Technology (www.cevast.org)
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The 8th Ernst Mach workshop (emw.flu.cas.cz) will explore a host of topics at the intersection of philosophy of AI, posthumanism and ethics of emerging technologies. The speakers should strive to respond to the work of two foremost researchers in this field, Prof. Susan Schneider (U of Connecticut) and Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh (U of Vienna). We have decided to call this event "Future Minds" in celebration of Prof. Schneider's latest book.
The event is co-sponsored by the Karel Čapek Center for Values in Science and Technology (www.cevast.org) Venue: Academy of Sciences Bldg, Narodni 3, Prague, Czech Republic
Please send a 1-2 page abstract and any further inquiries to [email protected].
Submission deadline: March 31th, 2019
Notification of acceptance: April 15th, 2019
March 31, 2019, 7:45pm CET
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