CFP: 6th Panhellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science

Submission deadline: July 11, 2020

Conference date(s):
December 3, 2020 - December 5, 2020

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
Athens, Greece

Topic areas


For the first time we open up the call for papers to non-Greek-speaking participants. In particular, a limited number of SYMPOSIA (with up to four participants each and two hours duration) will be selected for presentation in the conference.

The symposium proposals (up to 500 words for a general description of the symposium subject, up to 250 words for each contribution) can be in any area of philosophy of science.

You can submit until 12 July 2020 under:

Unfortunately, this time there is no provision for individual contributions in English.

the Organizing Committee
[[email protected]]

Supporting material

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#Athens, Greece, Philosophy of Science