CFP: Upcoming Online Resource in Science and Theology

Submission deadline: September 15, 2020

Topic areas


How can theologians employ science in the service of theology?  

The Science-Engaged Theology Project (University of St Andrews) is creating an online resource to advance the studies on the interrelationship between scientific and theological subdisciplines.  

Science-Engaged Theology encourages research that gives concrete answers to “Theological Puzzles”.

A Puzzle is a theological question that heads toward concrete answers, deals with possible objections, is transparent about using a methodology appropriate to its success conditions, and in principle unsolvable without the help of, at least, some empirical data. 

We invite submissions that bring scientific and theological subdisciplines into constructive conversation. Some illustrative examples are: moral theology and genetics, pneumatology and developmental psychology, theological anthropology and bioethics, ecclesiology and cognitive science, etc.

We encourage submissions from all religious traditions.

Authors receive £950 upon publication. Entries are peer-reviewed.

These puzzles will be useful discussion points for undergraduate and postgraduate teachers, as well as important research contributions in their own right. This will be free-to-access. 

First call deadline: 15/09/2020

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