CFP: Society for Philosophy & Psychology, 47th Annual Meeting

Submission deadline: January 31, 2021

Conference date(s):
June 28, 2021 - July 2, 2021

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Princeton University
Princeton, United States

Topic areas


The Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP) invites submissions of papers to be presented at its 47th annual meeting to be held June 28-July 2 2021 in a fully virtual format. Please submit an abstract of 750 words or less by January 31, 2021 in any area relevant to philosophy, psychology, or cognitive science. Submissions will be refereed and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to SPP. Abstracts should be written in a format appropriate for anonymous review and employ gender-neutral language. Individual authors may submit only one abstract as first author, but may be listed as co-authors on other submissions. Please submit abstracts via the submission site.

Meeting Format:

To make this virtual meeting as successful as possible, it will have a somewhat different format from prior meetings. Submissions accepted as poster presentations will consist of a 5-minute, pre-recorded summary video and associated linked information (all available on the conference website ahead of time), and a live “office hour” session. Submissions accepted as talks will consist of 20-minute live presentations. More details can be found on the SPP meeting page. A stellar lineup of keynote talks (including by Ned BlockEldar Shafir and Stanton Prize winner Marjorie Rhodes), invited symposia, and presidential address will also be held live, as will fun social events! We are aiming to schedule all live sessions around the middle of the day Eastern Time to accommodate attendees from as many different time zones as possible.

The pre-conference workshop on Essentialism, organized by Yarrow Dunham for the 2020 meeting, will also take place as part of the 2021 virtual meeting.

Further information will be made available closer to the time of the meeting, but we are excited to make the best of this unusual situation, and we are aiming for a flexible and interactive virtual conference format. 

Questions about the conference program should be directed to the program co-chairs, Armin Schulz and Christina Starmans. The meeting page will be updated with more information about the 2021 program as details are available.

Note for authors of submissions that were accepted as posters or for oral presentation at the 2020 meeting: 

Authors of submissions that were accepted as posters or for oral presentation at the canceled 2020 meeting will be welcome to present an updated version of their work at the 2021 conference without requiring a new review process. Presentations will follow the format described above.

All presenters with acceptances from 2020 will be contacted separately by email requesting confirmation of their intention to present at the 2021 conference. Confirmation must be received by January 31, 2021.

As in the past, individuals will be limited to one first-authored submission and presentation at the 2021 conference. Individuals who had an accepted submission from 2020 and who wish to present something *new* (not merely an update of their 2020 submission) are welcome to submit a new abstract for review, but if it is accepted, they will have to choose between presenting their 2020 submission or their 2021 submission.

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