World Bioethics Day - Non discrimination and non stigmatization

October 18, 2024
Applied Philosophy Research Lab - Greek Unit, International Chair in Bioethics (WMA Cooperating Centre), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)


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The theme for this year’s celebration shall be ‘Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization’ This theme is inspired by Article 11 of UNESCO UDBHR. Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization are significant aspects of human interaction and relationships. In the current era of globalization, when people are moving across the globe and interacting with people like never before and this being further facilitated by advanced communication technologies, respect for various religions, cultures, ethnicities, social status becomes part of almost daily life for many of us. In this scenario, it becomes increasingly imperative that people should not be discriminated against and stigmatized based on these geographical, cultural, and ethnic or any such other grounds. These principles are underlined by the most basic bioethical principle of respect for human dignity and human rights, which is desired in all human interactions. 

The congress will be live streamed by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens YouTube channel and media sponsor BCI Media BROADCAST CANADIAN &  INTERNATIONAL TV NETWORK.

Registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance.


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October 18, 2024, 9:00am EET

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#World Bioethics Day Annual Conference